example shown: "video remix: ghost in society" is a video remix using visual and audio samples from existing works.
the video media used is footage from "ghost in the shell" and stock footage from 1960s Japan. this project,
created for a media arts and practice course (IML140), comments on the nature of female gender roles in Japan.


example shown: "hollywood, why won't you love me back?" is a series of self-portait images captured on film.
shot around the hollywood sign in Los Angeles, the series of images of myself comments on the idea of self presentation
in the context of location and sacraficing personal identity for self exploitation and validation.


example shown: "humanize us" is a website driven activism campaign including video interviews, drawn portraits,
and extensive research on the nature of the representation of asian women in western media and its affect on college-aged
asian women currently residing in the united states today.
